【宜言飲酒 20230826】誰要吃冷pizza 酒和音樂和靈魂 為了大象不種樹就去死 脆脆的玉米粒 燕麥奶太濃郁了叭

Tree Elephant Pale Ale by Wandering Soul – 右一:New England Pale ALE, 輕微苦,有啤酒花的清香。 這支酒又是麻州公司在麻州釀造的本地酒。罐子上也標註了这支酒使用的啤酒花:Chinook, El Dorado and Idaho 7 hopes. 罐體印製大象主題口號:plant a tree or die(不種樹就去死)。Plant a tree or die 也是一隻波士頓 hardcore punk (硬核朋克) 樂隊 Tree 的第四張專輯。沒錯!這家啤酒廠和 Tree 樂隊有合作,並且在罐子上印製了樂隊網站的二維碼。這是解析獲得的網址:https://linktr.ee/treeboston.

Hella Crispy by Remnant Brewing – 右二:這種酒叫做 Corn Lager. 玉米香和淡淡爽口的 lager 是特別有夏天味道的組合。在罐體的說明上,他們把這種味道形容為 crushable. 酿酒厂 Remant Brewing 是一間麻州 Somerville 本地的酒廠。它竟然就落座在我家不遠處 Union Square 的 Bow Market 旁邊. 玉米的來源地也在罐子上也有說明,來自麻州 Holyoke 的 Valley Malt(麥芽谷). 製作 lager 的啤酒花則是德國進口。

Cold Pizza by Black Hog Brewing Co. – 左二:罐子上說是 Dry Hopped Italian Style Pilsner(干投意大利風格皮爾森)。Dry Hopped 是多次投入啤酒花,帶來能濃郁的啤酒花香。確實感受到更濃的啤酒花香。但味道比較單一,清爽度也不太好。也許是放得有點久了?

Melody Maker by Wandering Soul Beer – 中間:Melody 是個沒能成功出生在這個世界的嬰兒。這裡就全文引用罐子上的悲傷的故事吧:

Melody Maker is a hazy and tropical pale ale, browed with some of my favorite hops, along with flaked oats to enhance the body of the beer.
This beer is dedicated to our first child Melody, who we lost when my wife was almost 9 months in pregnant in 2017.
After going through that experience, I knew that I had to channel my grief somehow.
This beer is an attempt at that.

Part of the goal of this project is to help others who have experienced loss in their lives.
A portion of profits will be donated to Resolve New England, a group that helps families with Pregnancy loss.

Thank you for buying this deer and for supporting this project.It means more than I can say.




